Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions
Terms and conditions of use
(Policy on personal data processing)
Business Hood SRL is aware of the importance of your personal data, and therefore it is committed to protect the privacy and security thereof. This is why, it is of great importance for us to provide to you, in an integrated and practical format, information concerning processing of your personal data in your position of target persons (users of www.danceroomtechnique.com website, clients, prospective clients, consumers, prospective consumers) under this policy on personal data processing, applicable for the purposes set forth below.
This Policy is applicable to all devices used to access the www.danceroomtechnique.com website, whether smartphone, tablet, etc. In case you do not agree with the terms and conditions related to the use thereof (as shown in this document from a personal data protection view, but also in other documents – Cookies use policy, Privacy policy – with a view to confidential information, copyrights, etc.), please do not access the www.danceroomtechnique.com website.
As per provisions in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation), Business Hood SRL manages, in safe conditions and only for clearly specified purposes, the personal data that you provide to us when accessing our website and when purchasing the services of Business Hood SRL.
When checking that you agree with the Cookies use policy, with the Privacy policy and with the Personal data protection policy or, as the case may be, by continuing the use of our website and services after reading this Policy, you clearly and expressly declare that you accept processing of your personal data by Business Hood SRL.
Purposes of collection and processing of your personal data
Business Hood SRL collects and processes your personal data for the following purposes:
- Administration, improvement and provision of services provided by the www.danceroomtechnique.com website;
- Commercial activities for sale of services, including execution, administration and development of service sales on www.danceroomtechnique.com website, client account management, market research / surveys, statistics;
- Advertising and marketing, promotional activities for the services of Business Hood SRL, transmission of newsletters;
- Post-sales activities, including customer support services, information of users / clients on evaluation of services offered (including evaluation of services on the www.danceroomtechnique.com website), improvement of service quality through activities developed within the company.
- For evidencing and registration of aforementioned activities.
Categories of personal data processed
For the aforementioned purposes, we process the following categories of personal data:
- For administration, improvement and delivery of services provided by the www.danceroomtechnique.com website – surname, name, phone number, e-mail address, company / job, technical data on user’s device – location, IP address, type of hardware equipment, data on hour range, and also the date when the www.danceroomtechnique.com website was accessed, other information resulting from application of Cookies-type applications;
For further information related to cookies, please see the Cookies use policy available on our website.
- For commercial activities for sale of services, including execution, administration and development of service sales on the www.danceroomtechnique.com website, client account management, market research/surveys, statistics: – surname, name, phone number, e-mail address, mail address, as the case may be.
- For advertising and marketing, promotional activities for the services of Business Hood SRL, transmission of newsletters, – surname and name, phone number, e-mail, company / job.
- For communication / feedback activities, including customer support services, information of users / clients on evaluation of services offered by Business Hood SRL, improvement of quality of services delivered:– surname, name, phone number, e-mail, company / job, other data resulting from evaluation of products by clients – in addition, Business Hood SRL processes data related to: personal number, series and number of ID document, only for the cases when prize contests are held.
- For evidencing and registration of aforementioned activities: storage of personal data set forth in purposes described above in order to maintain records related to activities performed, for protection of rights in court and exercise of other rights based on legal and contractual provisions, execution of possible registration requirements, as per legal dispositions.
Personal data subject to special protection status like the personal number, series and number of ID document, shall be collected and processed in restrictive conditions and only in compliance with legal dispositions to provide compliance with data protection rules applicable thereto. Provision of personal data is required to allow Business Hood SRL to perform the activities listed above. Your refusal to provide such data would render Business Hood SRL incapable to provide to you those respective services, information, to answer your requests or to perform any activity of those listed above.
Who is the recipient of your personal data collected by us
In order to achieve one or more purposes included in the list above, Business Hood SRL may disclose your personal data to one of the following categories of recipients:
- contractual partners of Business Hood SRL (like companies which are partners of Business Hood SRL, but only based on a confidentiality agreement concluded therewith, providing that such data is kept in safe conditions and that disclosure of such data is made only based legal provisions in force),
- service providers (marketing services, payment / banking services or other services), including entities assisting Business Hood SRL in data processing as proxies, insurers, public authority (the National Supervisory Authority, Prosecutor’s Office, Police, courts of law and other relevant state authorities), based on and within the limits of legal provisions and following an express request, to other companies in the same segment with RPD – RESPONSABIL PROTECTIE DATE SRL, as well as to you, as a target individual in the context of exercise of your access rights.
Data recorded by Business Hood SRL is not sold to third parties and it is used only for the purposes of improvement of activities of this company.
After reading this Policy, you were made aware that you are granted the legally provided rights, respectively:
- to be informed on the processing of your personal data;
- to access your personal data and to be allowed to access the register of personal data processing, as set forth in art. 24 in Law no. 677/2001;
- to make changes to your personal data;
- to not be automatically subject to an individual decision;
- to object against processing of your personal data and to request changes of, updates to or deletion of data as per legal conditions, in case of personal data processed for direct marketing purposes this right may be exercised at any time, free of charge and without any supporting reason;
You may exercise any of these rights by sending an e-mail to Business Hood SRL at contact@danceroomtechnique.ro.
- to file a complaint to the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing;
- to resort to justice if you consider that relevant legislation was breached.
You may refuse at any time and without any reason the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, by sending to Business Hood SRL (using the e-mail address: contact@danceroomtechnique.ro) a written, dated and signed request for this purpose. In such case, your request shall be forwarded to competent personnel of Business Hood SRL; you may receive a message confirming that your option was recorded, as well as any other information needed, as the case may be.
Duration of data processing
In general, duration of data processing shall be determined by the time when you exercise your refusal right, as per conditions set forth in art. 21 in GDPR. Exception: For the data stated in the request form service, duration of data processing is usually of 2 years, or until exercise of refusal right. Also, Business Hood SRL may store personal data for any longer period, for evidence and registration purposes.
In the same time, storage of your personal data for longer periods may be decided for elaboration of statistical records, improvement of services, client account management, market research / surveys.
Other information
Please see, on each occasion when you use our website, this Policy on personal data processing to stay permanently updated in this respect.
When completing processing operations, data recorded may be transferred, in full or in part, to any other legal entity, provided such data shall be used for purposes similar to those described herein.
Business Hood SRL undertakes no liability for incorrect registration of personal data caused by the data indexing software.